About Indiea

So, I’m just your average 21 year old girl who loves anime and manga, anthropology, photography, music, forums, and a ton of other things. Totally normal, right? . Alright… maybe I’m not so “normal” but I think I’m okay with that. What is normal anyways? Its my opinion that everyone who thinks they are normal probably isn’t, and the people who are are rather boring. Diversity is the spice of life. Or something like that.

§ 3 Responses to About Indiea

  • tenbrokenbullets says:

    Love your “About You”. I love anime and manga too. I drew tons of it when I was in high school. Do you play Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy? AMAZING GAMES! Anyways, love your blog so far. I’ll be back when I get the chance 😉

    • indieaink says:

      Thank you! I wish I could draw, but unfortunately I just have to be happy to be able to look at other people’s art. I used to play Kingdom Hearts a lot but my sister took my PlayStation so I can no longer play unfortunately. I tried to get into Final Fantasy but I was too video game stupid to get past the first few minutes and I gave up after I died a few times. I love the visuals in the games though and I saw the Advent Children movie which was fantastic. 🙂

  • tenbrokenbullets says:

    Thanks for subscribing by the way. I haven’t followed much of anyone’s blog for the past 6 months haha

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